Our Home, Our Club
Only At Showfolks!
The Showfolks of Sarasota is the only Social organization of its kind in the world, Home to Artists, Musicians, Producers, Fans and Enthusiasts. Our Showfolks Brotherhood spans the globe and is rich with a long and storied history. Join the Club! Drop in for special events. You’ll find a room full of legends and superstars, an experience that you can find only at Showfolks!

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Only At Showfolks!
You’ll always find your friends at Showfolks!

Support Your Club! Pay Your Dues.
Keep your dues current
It’s never been more important! The club needs you as a member. Paying your dues will help insure the club’s future. It’s your participation that makes the club all that it is!. Our club has an important place in our lives. It’s the perfect place to socialize with friends. The Showfolks Of Sarasota has been the home of Circus Legends and Superstars for over 50 years. Help keep it going by paying your dues.
It’s A Family Affair!
There’s no place like Showfolks to see your Friends & Family! Join us anytime. Dinners, Parties, Holidays and much more! Only at Showfolks!

The Showfolks Of Sarasota is an exclusive, Members-Only Social Organization [501 c(7)].
You must be a Member in good standing or the Guest of a Member to enter the Club. Guests of members may be subject to entrance fees and have no bar privileges. Only Members in good standing my purchase liquor from the bar. All Members are assigned a Membership Number and a POS (point of sale) number. Members should be prepared to show their Membership Card at the front door. Entry may be denied to anyone who fails to provide proof of membership.
The POS system at the bar is updated with current Member’s names and POS numbers. The Bar will not serve any person not listed in the POS system.
It is important, both for legal reasons and for the survival of our club, that you keep your Membership current and that you encourage others to do the same.
The club is the property of the Members. The Board Of Directors oversees the legal, financial and operational aspects of the Club. There is always a need for volunteers to help in food preparation, cleaning and other aspects of the Clubs operations. Please, if at all possible, be generous with your time. Commit yourself to assist with at least one Event during the year.
2024-25 • Cindy Migley
2022-23 • Cindy Migley
2022-22 • Dieter Galambos
2020-21 • Jeffery Bruski
2018-19 • Jeffery Bruski
2016-17 • Leigh Ketchum
2014-15 • Phillip ‘Dusty’ Sadler
2012-13 • Leigh Ketchum
2008-11 • Noella Torres
2007-08 • Jenny Wallenda
2006-07 • Mireille Theron Arnosi
2004-05 • Pedro Murillo
2002-03 • Linda Rosaire Repasy
2000-01 • Dale Longmire
1998-99 • June Mills
1996-97 • Ronald Morris
1994-94 • Robert Horne
1992-93 • Flo McGarrity
1990-91 • Dante Marotto
1988-89 • Jim McGarrity
1986-87 • Arthur Grotefent
1984-85 • Dante Marotto
1982-83 • John Herriott
1980-81 • Alva Johnson
1978-79 • Peter Ivanoff
1976-77 • Charles Nixon
1973-75 • Tex Copeland
1971-72 • Karl Wallenda
1969-70 • Charles Borza
1967-68 • Karl Erickson
1965-66 • Don Edwards
1964-65 • Ludwig Maschino
1964-65 • Leonard Aylesworth
Facilities Rental Policy
Rent the Club for your Birthday or other Event
Person(s) renting must be a responsible Active/Associate Member in good standing.
Person(s) renting must have been a paid Member in good standing for no less than 90 days prior to initiating request.
All rentals must be approved by a majority vote of the Board Of Directors.
The Showfolks Of Sarasota allows memorials to be held at the club at no charge for any Member in good standing.
Non-Members or Members whose Membership has lapsed, must be represented by an Active/Associate Member ‘sponsor’. Non-Members or Members whose Memberships have lapsed may be subject to rental fees as determined by the Board Of Directors. A Member ‘Sponsor’ will be responsible for all fees as well as planning and organizing the event.
The Club must be staffed as prescribed by the board of directors at the time of approval. Bartender, Front Door, Maintenance, and Cleaning must be addressed and agreed upon prior to any event being approved.
$100.00 Cleaning Deposit (may be partially refunded if the club is cleaned)
Circus Affiliated Organizations – CHS, CFA, CATS etc…
Use of the club by Circus Affiliated Organizations are at the discretion of the Board Of Directors.
Outside Organizations
The club may be rented by outside organizations at the discretion of the Board Of Directors. An Outside Organization must be ‘Sponsored’ by a Club Member in good standing. Said Member to be responsible for all Club policies.
Fees for Rental by an Outside Organization
$625.00 Basic Rental (Up to 100 attendees)
Cost of paid staff (Staff to be determined by the Board Of Directors i.e. Bartender, Front Door, Maintenance, Supervision.)
Paid staff cost may be calculated at $15/Hour per staff member. All staff are to be non-participants of the party and are considered employees of the Club.
Food that is brought in must be fully cooked (off-site) and ready to serve. The use of the Kitchen for cooking is not included in the Rental agreement. A Renter may use the prep-surfaces and refrigeration in the kitchen. However, use of the stove top, oven or any other appliances must be approved by the board of directors at the time of rental and will increase the fees charged.
Birthday Parties
The club may be rented for Birthday Parties by Members only.
If the Party is held on a night when the club is open and the party is not private (i.e. all members are welcome to attend), the rental fee may be waived by the Board Of Directors. A fee of $100.00 will be charged to cover the Club’s additional cleaning and maintenance.
Any party that exceeds 100 attendees will be subject to additional fees.
If the Party is held as a ‘Private’ party, the renter is subject to the following basic fees:
$625.00 Rental Fee. (Up to 100 attendees)
Cost of paid staff (Staff to be determined by the Board Of Directors i.e. Bartender, Front Door, Maintenance, Supervision.)
Paid staff cost may be calculated at $15/Hour per staff member. All staff are to be non-participants of the party and are considered employees of the Club.
$100.00 Cleaning Deposit (may be refunded if the club is cleaned)
Parties may be attended by Members and Non-Member. Non-Members are considered Guests of Members and have no Bar Privileges. The ration of Members to Non-Members may not exceed 80/20 (a minimum of 80% Members to 20-% Non-Members).
Renters are liable for any damage to the club
If a party is to be attended by Minors, responsible adult supervision is required. Proof of responsible adult supervision will be required at the time the rental request is presented to the Board Of Directors.
At no time may a Renter bring alcohol into the club. Such an offense will result in immediate termination of the event and the ejection of all guests.
Don’t Miss The Fun!
The Club is your place to go for celebrations and holidays. Join today!
There’s no place like Showfolks!
The Showfolks Of Sarasota is proud to be celebrating over 50 years as the world’s only social organization exclusively for Circus People.
Be a part of this unique club – Join the club or renew your membership.
Willie and Norma
Legendary aerialist La Norma Fox and Willie Eddelston. Showfolks cutest couple.
Dagmar & Elvin
Dagmar Beavers and World Famous Human Cannonball, Elvin Bale.
Roger and Italo
Roger Zoppe and Italo Fornasari
Renew Your Membership Today
Be a part of the world’s ONLY Circus Club! The Showfolks Of Sarasota.